introducing, Black Girl Playground!
a digital playground that centers joy for your inner Black child.
to be completely honest, I was toiling back and forth, twirling my thumbs for months trying to think of the “perfect” rollout for this… but i felt like God was saying to me, “you can’t wait any longer: it’s time to release.”
so here we are, my baby, my brainchild, BLACK GIRL PLAYGROUND, is now open for play!
no lie, this has been 2 years in the making and if you’re wondering why it took me so long to finally launch, I got one word to explain it: perfectionism.
i kept going back and forth in my head like: ‘i’m gonna be a one-woman team… i don’t have a graphic designer… i don’t have this… how are you gonna do that…’ and the funny (and ironic) thing is, that’s the EXACT self-doubt I’m working to heal my inner child from.
so today is the day that I stop hiding behind perfectionism and finally birth the space/platform that God has placed on my heart to create.
Black Girl Playground is a digital playground focused on cultivating creative and colorful community. the mission is to create a space that puts Black joy, play, and delight to the forefront.
it's an online safe haven for the inner Black child to lead our creative journey and an invitation to heal through playful exploration.
it’s colorful.
it’s nostalgic.
it kinda smells like the first day of school mixed with Easter Sunday.
it’s joy-centered.
it’s for our Black inner child.
and for now, it’s a digital platform, but it will soon be a __O__C_ST 👀
but why give you a short, tidbit, when I can share my “state of play address” with you:
there’s a Lil’ You that lives inside of all of us and around here, we don’t play about her. here, on the playground, we prioritize her inner joys and creative zeal.
we’re the awkward, shy, and misunderstood Black girls who are rebuilding the “cool kids table.” we’re students of culture and valedictorians of the game.
for too long, the state of “play” has been defined by our grief, pain, and sadness, and while we honor our story, we know that true healing can come through enjoyment, bliss, and euphoria.
here, our joy takes the front row.
because that Lil’ You didn’t go anywhere, she is very much still alive from within. twisting, cart-wheeling, heel-toeing, double-dutching, and twirling her braids.
this is for the girls who were picked last for kickball. you come first here.
we chose you, babygirl.
here, we keep that Black joy circulating.
because we can heal through joy too.
with what all I can say is: welcome to the playground, FOLLOW the Instagram page, and leave a 💕sweet 💕comment when you see our first post pop up on the timeline (a little later this morning) and of course, come and play!
be well,
ya girl, Aley
ig: @yagirlaley | twitter: @yagirlaley
just stumbled upon this and so glad I did! I love a launch (even though it's scary) !! Excited to check out your other work :)
Can't wait to follow the journey! Congrats!